Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Mark Cuban was fined for tweeting about officials

Honestly this is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. I don;t understand what was so offensive that he was fined for it. All he said was that they need to fix the officiating in the league. What about that tweet warrants a fine? He wasn't attacking a specific official or being mean to any one person. He was just saying in general the officiating could be better. I think that maybe the NBA should take this into consideration instead of unreasonably fining him for stating his opinion. The NBA has the worst officials in all of pro sports and that's why no one takes the NBA seriously. The refs call joke calls so the whole league is basically a joke.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Mama June Sets Up Trust Fund For Honey Boo Boo & Daughters

I don't particularly like Honey Boo Boo, her family, or the show but I have to say that I have gained a new respect for the mom, June. The family gets between $15,000 and $20,000 per episode and instead of spending it on frivolous material items June is setting up a trust fund for her daughters and granddaughter.
Unlike other reality show parents she's making the choice to give her daughters the chance at a successful future. Kate Gosling from John and Kate plus 8 is a great example of how greedy reality show parents can be. Instead of saving that money for her 10 children she spent it on herself and ways to make herself seem like more of a "star".

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Rape Case Rocks Community

Okay so in Ohio two 16 year olds were accused of raping another student. Both boys are on the football team which is poplar in that town so some people think that because they are athletes they are getting off easy/getting special treatment and honestly i wouldn't be surprised if that was actually the case.

Something that really bothers me about this whole thing is that the accused are being charged as juveniles. That seems absolutely ridiculous, these boys are old enough to know that sexual assault is wrong. They made the adult decision to violate someone so they should face the adult consequences when they get caught. The victim has basically already lost the "trial" because no matter what they won't get the justice they deserve. Only in America do we care more about athletes than assault victims. 

Friday, January 4, 2013

Controversial Rape Ruling

Okayy so from what i understand this man goes into a woman's bedroom, pretends to be her boyfriend, and molests her but only gets a 3 year sentence and a retrial? It said it was because of some law that prevented them from calling it rape because she was unmarried or something and that is total BS. Apparently the same thing happened in Idaho in 2010 soo maybe they should change that law? Like what right do a bunch of laws and judges have to say what is rape and what isn't? They shouldn't be able to define what rape/sexual assault/molestation is and i don't understand why it would make a difference if the victim was married or not.

"Prior to the conviction, Schulman had argued Morales believed the sex was consensual because the victim responded to his kisses and caresses, according to the decision."
That is a complete lie because first of all he pretended to be her boyfriend. Second this man entered the home of a woman he doesn't know in the middle of the night, in who's crazy messed up mind thinks that that would be consensual? I guess crazies will think what they want but still he has to have realized what he did was wrong.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Torii Hunter: Having an openly gay teammate would ‘be difficult and uncomfortable’

So there's this baseball player guy who says he's uncomfortable because his teammate is gay and because of his Christian upbringing he thinks its wrong and won't support that teammate. Hmm i'm pretty sure black athletes weren't widely accepted once upon a time so i think Mr. Hunter shouldn't be so quick to pass judgement  On the matter of openly gay athletes i think everyone needs to get their heads out of their asses and realize that sexuality has nothing to do with athletic ability so the sexual orientation of a player shouldn't matter what so ever. Some players are concerned about the locker room but seriously could you have a bigger ego?  Just because someone is gay doesn't mean they're gonna automatically jump you just because you're a man also, like seriously get over yourself. Unfortunately there's not much that can be done about the issue other than for the athletes that don't care have to stand up for their homosexual teammates and to be as supportive as possible. You can't forces some of these athletes to stop being bigots or ignorant idiots.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Best Colleges in America

So i was reading this article that listed the top 25 colleges in America. MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) is number 1 and Harvard is number 3. I love this because everyone always say Harvard is the best which is total BS. MIT is the best education a person can earn where Harvard is the "best" education money can buy. MIT doesn't give scholarships because everyone who goes there is so far above and beyond academically it wouldn't be fair. They would either have to give everyone a scholarship or no one. I must say I am a little biased because my brother goes to MIT and Harvard are their rivals. I guess my whole point in this is that people need to realize just because its Ivy league doesn't mean its the best.

Some people who commented on the article were complaining about the colleges that were on the list.  It's funny because honestly i think most of those people are jealous. They weren't smart enough to get into one of those schools (or any school) so they degrade those schools and the people who go there to make themselves feel better.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

On Romney's Speech

In this election I voted (for the first time) for Obama and I can't say that i have been the nicest when it comes to Romney. I don't agree with views on women and gay rights and i've expressed my dislike for him in a less than respectful way but i have to say after we watched his speech in class i have gained some (not a lot) respect for him. Considering he didn't have a speech planned i though he gave it with dignity. I still don't like him and i don't think I ever will but I see now that behind the politician of the opposing party is a man who loves him family and his country (it just doesn't always seem like it).